Tuesday 1 May 2012

Rupert Murdoch Is A Bad Man

Rupert and James Murdoch
Well today the government has deemed Rupert Murdoch unfit to run a major international company.  I mean, duh!  Everybody has known that for years now.  It may be hard to believe, but this whole affair has been going on for about 10 years.  In that time thousands of victims of phone hacking have been discovered, and settlements have been handed out like sweets to a number of them to try to keep quiet about it.  And that was before the news broke that Milly Dowler's phone was also hacked.  All of a sudden Murdoch, Brooks and number of other high profile emloyees suddenly feigned shock at this, even though everyone knew that was going on for years.  Of course they didn't know (sarcasm).

Rebekah Brooks
All of a sudden every celebrity who were afraid to take these people on, for fear of News Internationals powerful array of newspapers and television services would turn on them and completely destroy them, grew a pair of big hairy balls.  They jumped on News International like hyena's to get something out of it. I couldn't blame those celebrities however, if their phone was hacked, you may as well make a bit of money out of it, now there was no fear of backlash.  I have to admit, I'd have done the same.

They Actually Kept A Straight Face Saying All That Stuff
I couldn't contain my laughter however every time Rupert Murdoch and his minions looked at us straight in the eye, and said that they didn't have any knowledge of phone hacking at News International.  I don't need evidence to know that this the biggest pile of cow clap I have ever heard.  This has been an issue for the best part of a decade before the Milly Dowler part of the picture came in.  How could they not know about the millions of pounds of settlements they had already paid out to other victims to keep quiet about the very same crime inflicted upon other people?

There's another part of this News International story however that I'm shocked isn't getting as much coverage.  I had seen an episode of Panorama recently entitled 'Murdoch's TV Pirates', that pointed out that his company played a part in the downfall of 'itv digital', by cloning their viewing cards.  (The first part of the episode can be viewed below.  They paid a hacker to post details of itv digital's viewing cards online.  This allowed anyone with the know how to clone paying customers viewing cards and sell them to anyone who wanted free 'paid for' television.  The idea being to cancel out any competition for Sky.  I'm sure that would have resulted in a mass boycot only for the fact that we all love our Sky Sports and Sky Movies too dam much.

The above are only the crimes that we know about.  Who knows what other secrets they're hiding in that huge sprawling company.  If Murdoch doesn't do jail time in the near future then there's something seriously wrong.

To view the report published today click here.  report

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