Monday 23 April 2012

3 Days Work for 2 Seconds of Screen Time on Game Of Thrones

Tonight was the night I've been waiting for the best part of a year.  To see myself in Game Of Thrones.  I was under no illusions.  Even though I spent three days working on the set I knew I'd be lucky if you even seen me on screen.   For two of the three scenes I was right.  I was always off camera as I suspected.  But there was just a little second or two I was on screen (even though if you blink you'd miss it). Here it is.

I know, I'm just a speck in the background, but dammit I'd sharing a screen with Charles Dance.  Earlier that day he sat in the same tent as me straight across from me.  Before I continue I must point out that we weren't allowed to talk to the stars of the show.  So Obviously I was in a predicament when he sat just several feet from me to have a smoke.

I was in the tent with a number of other extras who were having a smoke, or a lie down, or a snooze, or whatever.  We were having a good laugh, in fact the craic was amazing with us all.  Charles Dance peered in the tent, was a bit hesitant, but quickly decided to have a smoke in the tent where he sat directly across from me.

As soon as he entered the tent the entire company fell silent.  I acknowledged him with a nod while deciding what to do with this situation.  I knew I wasn't allowed to talk to him, but at the same time it would be rude not to.  So I looked around for some way to get him to begin the conversation.  The only thing I could see was a man in the far corner with his head bowed down between his legs.  So I broke the silence with 'Are you okay dude'. He said he was okay and that was that.

Charles Dance finished his cigarette and left the tent.  It doesn't sound like much, but that was more than worth the one or two seconds I was on screen for.

Well that's it until next time, I'll get around to the Voice yet.

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