Sunday 22 April 2012

The Ford Jimbo May Be In Your Future

Well I finally got around to it.  I finally wrote the letter to Ford about naming one of their products the Ford Jimbo.  Below is the letter in full (minus my address and phone number in preparation for all you nut bags out there).  You'll find it's simple, to the point, and opens up a dialogue between us.  Enjoy.

Subject: The New Ford Jimbo
Dear Sir
I am writing as a result of a conversation I had with my housemates last week. Before I begin I ask you to be patient as it is easy to regard this letter as a joke. I have decided to contact your company to see If I could get you to consider a new name for your product.

As you may have guessed the suggestion is written on the subject of this letter. Now I'm sure that well before this point, this piece of literature has been met with a chuckle before being thrown in the bin. If you have kept reading however, I applaud you. Think about it. All your (and your competitor's) products have cool names. They're flashy and chosen to catch the eye, but once they own the car that's as far as the use for your names goes. The Ford Focus is a cool name. The Ford Jimbo is your best friend.  Have a long think about that.

Please consider my suggestion as I'd like to speak with you further about this matter.
Best regards
James McLaughlin

Well that's my letter.  If you have any way of changing how you'd write yours I invite you to write to them yourself.  Or better yet post them as a comment and I'll do it for you.

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