Monday 9 April 2012

The Successor to "Who Reads This Crap Anyway?"

There I go again changing my mind about what to call my blog again.  It was as mentioned I used to call it "Who Reads this Crap", but I've gone for something a little more sober this time.  I'm just gonna get straight into it and move along here and keep my first one short and sweet.

Apparently a game of Kings is not allowed in the park
I was walking through a park that is unfamiliar to me where I came across this sign post.  Hmm. "No unauthorised games are permitted on these playing fields". Playing fields, fields that you play in.  I haven't heard of a form of playing that wasn't a game.  Another bang up job from Derry City council if you ask me.  Okay Okay I know it included the word unauthorised but lets face it. It never specifies what the unauthorised games are.  Maybe the sign below it (sorry you can hardly see it) has something to do with it.  Maybe it's no drinking games allowed.  Somehow I don't think Derry City Council is clever enough to ban a good game of 'I Never' in this way though.

We can't play in the park and we can't play computer games.
Come on guys throw us a bone here.
Before I sign off I'd like to point out that I read recently that since recesAdd captionsion began, the only growth industry was video games.  So you can imagine my surprise when recently I was walking around the city centre and seen what is to the left of this paragraph.  This was absolutely shocking.  How did this happen?  Gaming was supposed to be the only safe industry in this whole recession.  It didn't stop there though.  Less than a month later I find out that GAME is going into administration.  Okay it looks like they're just going to close down the stores that aren't turning a profit and keeping the rest open.  Which makes sense but they're closing about 90% of the stores.  How did it come to this?  What's happening to the gaming industry is shocking to me.  As far as I'm concerned the western economy is finished.  It's just a matter of time when companies like this are crumbling around our ears.

Good luck all, I hope I'm wrong and there is a way out of this economy situation after all.  I realise I started this new feed of blogs off pretty poorly here but I promise this WILL get better unlike our economy.  When it comes to these posts, you'll just have to take the rough with the smooth.

Kind Regards readers

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