Saturday 14 April 2012

The Red Side of Liverpool is Over The Moon

YEEEASSSSSS! We won!  To date this is the highlight of the entire season for me.  Surpassing even the victory of the League Cup, this was by far the most important game of the season so far.  I could go into it again but I explained it already yesterday (for all you dumbasses just check out yesterdays post).  I woke up extremely nervous barely able to think about anything else knowing that if it goes bad for Liverpool then it was my opinion that Liverpool had kissed goodbye to any hope of getting back to the glory days again for many years to come.

So there I was at rehearsals checking every update on the match I could get my hands on at every possible opportunity.  We went 1-0 down.  Disaster, I thought to myself, oh no, they're doing it again, they've only gone and flushed yet another match down the toilet even though the talent is clearly there to achieve great things.  During half time though I took another look at the scoreline and the players we have on the pitch. 'Hang on, we can still do this, it's only half time and they now have an opportunity to regroup and attack Everton'  Hey presto they equalised.  A Suarez goal that I only wish I could have seen, (I managed to later on though) and all of a sudden it was back on.  I was checking the score every few minutes at this point now and all I was greeted with on the text commentary was 'Carroll takes another shot but just goes wide'.    Every few updates had such a sentence and all I could think about was, 'come on Carroll just bang ONE on target PLEEASEE.

Then with a few minutes to go the scoreline changed on the screen of my little phone from a draw to 'Liverpool 2-1 Everton'. What's more, it was a Carroll goal, a Carroll header!  The last few minutes ran down and the referee blew his whistle at which point I felt incredibly relieved.  Liverpool can still be considered one of the top teams in the country now despite what they're Premier League form is.

So I'm happy to report that not only did we win, we won in a way that gave me the feeling that Liverpool have taken the kick up the arse they sorely needed and might actually start playing football and finish the season a force to reckon with.  Even though I haven't seen the whole match (only the goals) it just feels like they're playing with purpose now.  The best thing though is Andy Carroll.  In recent days his goals have ever so slightly increased in number (must stress this is ever so slightly) but that's two games in a row he has found the net.  That's two games in a row he has found the net with a header.  Finally his height advantage is paying off with goals.  So I look forward to the last few matches of the season.  If anyone bothers to read this it's bound to get a load of anti-Liverpool comments, but there's nothing you can do about that now is there?

I'm going to go out on a limb here but I reckon we're going to see a different Liverpool in the handful of games left this season.  At the very least a different attitude.  I know it's too little too late, but at least it's a start.

Goddammit no matter how positive my blogs are I just can't leave one without complaining about something.  As I said before I was caught up in other commitments during the match so my hopes of seeing something of the game was going to be through the highlights on TV.  I got home just before 8 and immediately checked for coverage and I was utterly disgusted at what I found.  Match of the Day didn't cover it.  Sky Sports didn't do any coverage either (even on the red button), RTE didn't do it, .  It was Premier League games only, even LFCTV didn't bloody do it.  There was absolutely NOTHING online by way of highlights except for some bad quality youtube videos of the GOALS ONLY!  This will not stand, I wanted a better understanding of how the game went.  I wanted to know how hard or easy it was for us.  I wanted to see any out of the ordinary moments (if any).

I later found out that ONE network covered it in highlight form after the match.  That was ITV.  Here's the rub though.  They showed it only several hours after the match finished.  This was outrageous.  Maybe it's just me but I would have thought that the point of a highlights program was to be able to broadcast to an audience who weren't able to see the match during the day.  For me the earliest a highlight show should broadcast is about 8pm to make sure those people are home.  But nooo this didn't occur to ITV, they thought it would be a good idea to show the highlights DURING THE FUCKING DAY! ITV, sort it out NOW!

That is all.

Have a nice day

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