Tuesday 10 April 2012

Karaoke Results

Straight off the bat I'm just going to tell you that even though I'm the most amazing entity to ever grace this Earth (cough), I'm afraid I didn't get anywhere with the Karaoke final tonight.  Unfortunately though I can't deliver on my promise.  I promised that if I didn't win I'd be pissed off and you'd get the mother of all rants on this particular post.

Normally when I lose on these things there's an overwhelming feeling of a fix, or it was just a plain rip off.  In this case that's not true.  Despite what the company I had tonight told me, I felt that the competition was extremely talented and there was a 50/50 chance of my even getting placed.  So, in an unusual case for me I don't feel dejected at all.

A good friend of mine by the name of Leona Anderson won the top prize which I was extremely happy about.  I enter these competitions once in a while, but Leona enters them all the time.  I should point out that Leona is an incredibly strong singer but never gets anywhere with them.  So as soon as I heard her name called out for the top prize I stood up, cheered and afterwards I gave her a big hug.  Normally I put this behaviour on, but in this case my pride was 100% genuine.  Congratulations Leona, I'm really proud of you.  Well done girl, well done.

Any readers of my previous blog will know that there's no post without a degree of complaint.  A man called Stuart brought the house down tonight, but still didn't win anything.  Okay, he isn't the strongest singer in the world (even though I think there's potential), but both his songs and how he performed them was worthy of at least one of the runner up prizes.  My songs were performed brilliantly, but then again so was everyone else's.  Stuart on the other hand brought something else to the table.  There was comedy, charisma, playing the crowd and even how he looked and carried himself set himself apart from everyone else for me.  All the runners up in my memory are blurred together.  But I would defy you to recall with any clarity any of the performances other than the songs that Stuart did.

It was a huge rip off Stuart, it was a bloody huge rip off.

I normally include photographs in my posts but my phone's battery ran out.  Instead I'll provide you with the photograph my girlfriend posted on facebook.  It is with some pride I am able to show you her first ever pint of stout.  Eventually I'll get her to drink it regularly.  That will be quite an achievement.  watch this space for that one.

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