Wednesday 18 April 2012

Guns In Kids Bedrooms

This is just a couple of paragraphs to tell you about a very disturbing news story I seen on TV several hours ago.  A policeman left behind a gun in a child's bedroom.  I'll say that again.  A POLICEMAN LEFT BEHIND HIS GUN IN A CHILD'S BEDROOM!  

One of these were left behind in a kids bedroom!
Complete with gun!
What a god dam fail right there.  I can't understand how this happened.  Surely once a police officer leaves the station he or she under no circumstances would be allowed to take off his or her gun belt.  Okay I can understand someone having to go to the toilet or something, but why take off the belt outside of the throne room?  It wasn't just outside of the throne room but it was left in a child's bedroom!  And that police officer to forgot to pick up his GUN belt when he left the house!  Much like the gun belt shown on the photograph on the left.

It would be unacceptable in mainland UK, in fact it would be unacceptable anywhere in a civilised society.  But this is Northern Ireland where the troubles are showing signs of rearing it's arse ugly head again!  My God anything could have resulted from this.  Surely here of all places you're going to have to be extra careful about these things.  Especially since things are due to get worse again (from what I can see anyway).  Anyhoo I'll leave any further thoughts to the comments you might leave, along with a link to the news story

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